
Keynote Speakers Details


Prof. Jinsong Wu /Associate Professor

Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Chile, Chile

Jinsong Wu is currently an Associate Professor in Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Chile, Chile. Dr. Jinsong Wu is the Founder and Founding Editor-in-Chief for the new international journal, Green Technologies and Sustainability (GTS). He received 2020 IEEE Green Communications and Computing Technical Committee Distinguished Technical Achievement Recognition Award, for his outstanding technical leadership and achievement in green wireless communications and networking, and received 2017 IEEE Green Communications and Computing Technical Committee Excellent Services Award for his Excellent Technical Leadership and Services in the Green Communications and Computing Community. He was the leading Editor and a co-author of the comprehensive book, entitled “Green Communications: Theoretical Fundamentals, Algorithms, and Applications”, published by CRC Press in September 2012, which has been recognized as the very first comprehensive published book effort on green communications covering broad topics of green wireless communications, green wireline communications, general relevant green topics and applications in one book using a research perspective. Dr. Wu was the Founder (2011) and Founding Chair (2011-2017) of IEEE Technical Committee on Green Communications and Computing (TCGCC), IEEE Communications Society. He is also the Co-Founder (2014) and Founding Vice-Chair (2015-present) of IEEE Technical Committee on Big Data (TCBD) , IEEE Communications Society. He is Steering Committee Member and IEEE Communications Society Representative in IEEE Environmental Engineering Initiative under IEEE Technical Activities Board (TAB), starting in 2016. Dr. Wu has  participated in international conferences for many times and invited as the chair of conferences. Besides, he is also the editor of several journals in the related fields. He currently is an IEEE Senior Member.